製品企画は素材探しからスタートします。スポーツウェアとしての機能性に妥協せず、一方でその風合いにも妥協せず、両者が高い次元でバランスする素材を採用します。デザイナーとパタンナーには、あえて長くファッションの世界で活動されている方々に、デザイン作成、パターン作成のお願いをしました。ライフスタイルウェアとして成立する服。デザインとパターンにおいてはランニングをしない日でも毎日着ていられる服を目指しています。 メインのカットソー製品3型について、サイズ感にゆとりを持たせてカジュアルなボトムスとの相性の良さを実現しています。半袖タイプには、ランニングウェアとしてはなかなか存在しないモックネックを採用してデザインのポイントとしています。長袖タイプはひじ部分にギャザーをいれることで腕部分を細みに仕上げ、全体のバランスを向上させています。パターンは何度も微調整を施し、デザインとあわせて最終的に着た時の外観の良さが達成できたと思っています。メンズのフィットをベースにしていますが、ユニセックスで着用いただきたいと思っています。
TANNUKI is a running wear/accessory brand with a commitment to domestic manufacturing.
Product planning starts with our materials search. We source materials that do not compromise on the functionality of our sportswear, but also without compromising the texture. In terms of designs and patterns, we aim to create clothes that can be worn every day even when you’re not running, by working with designers and pattern makers who have a wealth of experiences in the world of fashion.
For the three main cut and sewn products, they have a slightly oversized silhouette and have good compatibility with casual pants. The short-sleeved type uses a mock neck that is rarely found on running wear and is a key design point. With our long sleeve type, the arms are made thinner by adding gathers to the elbows to improve the overall balance. The pattern has been fine-tuned many times, and now we have achieved a great appearance in terms of the combination of both pattern and design. It's based on a men's fit but can be worn by both men and women.
In terms of our running wear functionality, first we sourced the best material from many candidates. The composition is 100% polyester. While having a natural texture reminiscent of cotton, it is especially light, has excellent water absorption, and dries quickly. It is a material with all the necessary functions for running clothes. As a design point, all three types have deep pockets with flaps at the bottom. With an IC card, credit card, keys, etc., you can go running comfortably without having to worry about your possessions. In addition, when a heavy object such as a mobile phone is put into the pocket, a sense of stability can be obtained by tucking your shirt snugly into the pants. This keeps your phone secure, prevents it from moving around and makes running comfortable. In addition, stiffness is reduced by eliminating the stitching in the design and pattern of the armpit, creating ease of movement. The brand logo on the pocket is made from a reflector print that also improves night visibility.
The materials for the garments are produced in Kumamoto Japan, and they are cut and sewn at the factory in Fukui Japan. Our prints are sourced from a processing plant in Sumida-Ku, Tokyo. Most trims are also manufactured in Fukui. Our caps are produced at a cap factory in Osaka.
We do not give the concept of “season” to our products. Once a product has been developed, we want to continue to offer the same products for at least several seasons.
In addition, we would like to repair products as much as possible. The actual cost of repair might be charged, but please contact us to check a possibility for repairing. We really want you to wear it for a long time.